Function First

Each block plays its own role

Every block offers an independent electronic function which can be combined with other blocks to create unique electronic creations. Connecting them requires you learn a bit of circuit science

Smart Blocks

Helping you when you dont get it right!

Each block comes equipped with built-in intelligence, offering clear light indicators whenever connections go wrong—so kids can indentify their mistakes, learn fast and stay excited about every new creation!


and Learn at your pace

Kick-start a fun STEM journey with the Circuit Explorer Series—pick the perfect level to spark young minds and equip them with the skills to harness electronics for creative expression.

Function First

Each block plays its own role

Every block offers an independent electronic function which can be combined with other blocks to create unique electronic creations. Connecting them requires you learn a bit of circuit science

Smart Blocks

Helping you when you dont get it right!

Each block comes equipped with built-in intelligence, offering clear light indicators whenever connections go wrong—so kids can indentify their mistakes, learn fast and stay excited about every new creation!


and Learn at your pace

Kick-start a fun STEM journey with the Circuit Explorer Series—pick the perfect level to spark young minds and equip them with the skills to harness electronics for creative expression.


Parents interested in having their kids spend less time on the internet and more on learning experiences should check out Labbox.

It was a magical moment to see my daughter use Labbox to test an experiment from her physics book.

Seeing small hands creating "big" projects is a special emotion. Help your kids develop skills in technology with Labbox.

Labbox is going to revolutionize the way kids learn about technology! Learning through mistakes and by doing are the most productive educational methodologies out there.